Company Games

We'll tailor-make a unique Company Games experience to fulfil your requirements, and deliver a customised set of games tailored to your preferences.

Whether it's our sought-after 'Retro Games' sports day, a water sports-themed event, or competitive tournaments.

We’ll deliver a customised set of games tailored to your preferences, whether it’s exclusively for your colleagues and employees or extends to include their families in a company-wide family fun day.

Inspired by the sense of community and the well-being nurtured by our Community Games events, we have launched the Company Games events. Our goal is to cultivate wellness and happiness through physical activity, extending beyond mere leisure time. In a world where positive mental health is increasingly acknowledged, it’s imperative to prioritise it in the workplace as well.

The Company Games are purposefully designed to advocate for and highlight the beneficial effects of physical activity within professional settings. Through our Company Games events, entire teams can come together to participate in enjoyable activities that unite them, strengthening connections and interactions among colleagues.

The essence of our Company Games is to unite teams, be totally inclusive, enhance teamwork, foster interpersonal connections, and leverage physical activity to improve overall well-being. A more cohesive team and improved mental well-being serve as significant drivers of success.

If you’d like to find out more, email Dennis Kennedy or go to our contact page.

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The Company Games are purposefully designed to advocate for and highlight the beneficial effects of physical activity within professional settings.

Dennis Kennedy

Founder of Inspire Activity